
意⼤利国家研究委员会(CNR)Tullio Pozzan院⼠ 莅临集聚区参观考察

Academician Tullio Pozzan of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) visited the gathering area

2019年06⽉01⽇,意⼤利国家研究委员会(CNR)Tullio Pozzan院⼠莅临浙江(绍兴)外国 ⾼端⼈才创新集聚区参观考察。意⼤利国际⾼等研究院资深教授Vincent Torre,浙江省千⼈ 计划专家、欧盟航空航天局和意⼤利技术研究院联合实验室主任Remo Proietti Zaccaria, 区委组织部副部⻓严炜,绍兴⾦柯桥科技城(浙江千⼈计划绍兴产业园)建设管理委员会党⼯ 委副书记、副主任叶港,科技城建管委相关领导和⼯作⼈员陪同考察。

On June 1, 2019, academician Tullio Pozzan from CNR accompanied by Professor Vincent Torre from Italian institute for advanced international studies, and Remo Proietti Zaccaria, the expert of Zhejiang Recruitment Program and the director of the joint lab of European space agency and Italian institute of technology, came to visit Zhejiang (Shaoxing) High-level Foreign Experts Innovation Center. The member of district standing committee, the vice minister of the department of organization, Yan Wei, the vice director of the construction and management committee of Shaoxing Golden Keqiao Sci-tech City, Ye Gang, other relevant officers also accompanied the inspection.

Professor Tullio Pozzan

Tullio Pozzan,意⼤利国家研究委员会⽣物医学科学部学部主任,美国国家科学院院⼠(2006 年),加拿⼤皇家科学院院⼠(2013年),英国皇家学会外籍院⼠(2018年),欧洲分⼦⽣物学会 会⼠(1994年),帕多瓦⼤学教授。

Tullio Pozzan, the director of bio-medical science department of CNR, Member of the US national Academy of Science (2006), Member of the royal Canadian academy (2013), Foreign fellow of the UK royal society (2018), member of European society for molecular biology (1994), the professor of University of Padua.

意⼤利国家研究委员会(CNR)成立于1923年,是意大利最大、学科最全的公共研究机构。意大利 国家研究委员会包含生物医学科学、地球和环境、物理和物质、生物和农业、材料化学和技术、 工程与信息通讯技术及能源和运输、人文科学和文化遗产等七⼤学部。102个研究所,8500名研究 ⼈员,每年研发经费超过9亿欧元,已经孵化企业近50个。生物医学科学学部旨在提供公共和私人领域的技术和服务,包含从生命科学的基础研究到⼈类疾病和⼲预、创新疗法的研究,最终目标是发 现改善人类健康的新机会。生物医学科学部下含16个研究所,7个共管研究所。

CNR is established in 1923, the biggest public research institution equipped with the most subjects. CNR includes Biomedical Science, earth and environment, physics and material, biology and agriculture, material chemistry and technology, engineering and IT, energy and logistics, the humanities and culture heritage. There are 102 research institutions, over 8500 officers, annul research fund of 9 billion euro, and already have over 50 enterprises. Biomedical Science aims to offer public and private fields’ technology and service, including the basic study of life science and human illness and creative studies. The final target is finding out the new opportunity of perfecting human health. Biomedical Science has 16 research institutions and 7 joint research institutions.

Tullio Pozzan院士一行先参观了智慧展示馆,在讲解员声情并茂地讲解下了解了柯桥的基本信息,对柯桥有 了一个新的认识。

The group of academician Tullio Pozzan first has a visit to Wisdom exhibition hall. During the introduction made by the interpreter, they had a better understanding of Keqiao.

接下去Tullio Pozzan院 士一行 参观了财智综合体,在这⾥,Tullio Pozzan院 士一行跟柯桥区政府领导进行了深度的谈话,就柯桥的未来以及现状进行了深入浅出的沟通。

Later, the group of academician Tullio Pozzan inspected the intelligence comprehensive Center . Here, they made a deep conversation with the government officers of Keqiao district and communicated a lot about Keqiaoʼs current circumstances and future development.

紧接着Tullio Pozzan院士一行跟随工作⼈员的脚步从欧美风情街⼀路先后参观了集聚区展厅、一站式服务大厅、外文书吧、西餐厅、外国便利店等综合配套服务业态。

The team of Tullio Pozzan visited the show room, one-stop service Center, Foreign book bar, the western style restaurant, the international convenient store and other supporting facilities.

参观过程中,Tullio Pozzan院士从踏进集聚区的风情街就对集聚区的外立面建设极有好感,欧美式的风格给 他带来了宾至如归的亲切感,在听取集聚区工作人员对集聚区的详细介绍时也表示了认可与赞赏,并且表达了自己对集聚区的好感。

During the inspection, Tullio Pozzan has a good feeling about Zhejiang (Shaoxing) High-level Foreign Experts Innovation Center once arrived that the European style outlook made a feeling of a home away from home. After the introduction made from the officer of the Innovation Center, Tullio Pozzan showed recognition and admission.

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