Keqiao International Park Monthly Magazine July issue

On July 3rd, the Keqiao District New Generation Entrepreneurs Association held a themed salon event on “Innovative Development Moving Forward” in the park.


On July 8th, Agostino visited the Smart Port Research Institute of NingboTech University and the China-CEEC Innovation Cooperation Research Center.


On July 9th, Azim, a young doctor, participated in the launch ceremony of the “Talent Gathering Keqiao Building Dreams for the Future” 2024 Youth Universities Students Internship and City Promotion Week Launch Ceremony in Keqiao, and share the theme of ‘Our Keqiao is great’.



On July 10th, the 2024 Keqiao District Youth Talent Carnival was held in the park.



On July 12, 2023 English majors from the Language and Literature Branch of Yuanpei College, Shaoxing University visited Zhejiang  (Shaoxing) High-Level Foreign Experts Innovation Center and carried out internship practice activities.


On July 15th, the park held a European Cup final viewing activity.


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